Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A few of my favourite things

Some of you were possibly tortured with The Sound of Music as children and may remember the tune for this little ditty

Serpent on rogues and viper on healers,
throwing a flare on those sneaky flag stealers.
Kiting those warriors and keeping up stings,
these are a few of my favourite things.

Snake laden traps and daze-dealing shots,
firing an Aimed to decrease all of those hots.
Keeping ahead of those Mortal Strike swings,
these are a few of my favourite things

Angry red Sooty all up in your grill,
fear doesn't work, so swallow that pill.
Fail to escape as my DPS sings,
These are a few of my favourite things

When the death coils, when the stun locks,
when I'm failing to kill.
I simply remember my favourite things,
and then I still feel the thrill

Fighting on nodes, defending those towers,
trapping and flaring for what seems like hours.
Thanking the pally for buffing with kings,
these are a few of my favourite things

Cookies from locks and tables from mages,
saving a healer from a warrior who rages.
Tracking the flag thief and using map pings,
these are a few of my favourite things

Destroying your totems and gimping your damage,
Sooty and I are on a battleground rampage.
Enjoying the rush that a critical shot brings,
these are a few of my favourite things

When the death coils, when the stun locks,
when I'm failing to kill.
I simply remember my favourite things,
and then I still feel the thrill


Anonymous said...

Huzzah! Better than the original.

Pike said...

Heehee, that's great XD

Ironically enough I posted a similar parody of the same song on my blog a few weeks back. But it wasn't nearly as long as yours!

Anonymous said...

Check out BBB's Wreath of Fire - he actually recorded the song!

Cmon Jez - the challange has been made: you have to record your version.