Saturday, April 19, 2008

Adding a Tag Cloud to your Blogger Template

This UI post series intermission brought to you by my inability to stop tinkering with my new blog template. I think I'm almost finished. Maybe.


The newest improvement is replacing what was becoming a lengthy tag list with a cloud. It's really quite straight forward if you are comfortable messing with the html template for your blog. You just need to follow the excellent instructions provided at phydeaux3. Note this code is for new Blogger xml templates only.

If like me you want your tag colours to be consistent with the colour scheme of the rest of your template you might find this hexadecimal to RGB colour conversion tool handy since the values for the cloud are RGB whilst the rest of the template uses hexadecimal.

You can also change the min and max font size as well as a bunch of other stuff depending on how confident you are with CSS. Hope this post is of help to someone out there.

1 comment:

Admin said...

im currently using the tag clouds that is offered by blogger. but im looking for a tag cloud that is moving around. do you know what it is called?

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